Evaluate the season with BookSpot
At the end of each season, it can be a good idea to look back at the results, evaluate, and identify areas for improvement for the following year. Here, we list three things you can evaluate with the help of BookSpot.
Skrevs av Julia von Melen - 2024-08-23
BookSpot – Engelska - Support – Engelska
1. Review the number of bookings per product
2. Evaluate Customer Satisfaction
Satisfied customers are key to everything, and if you've had the standardised customer satisfaction email active, there should hopefully be a lot of valuable feedback from your customers at the end of the season. Review the comments and take in what has been written; you can find these under Settings > Customer Satisfaction. If there is any feedback that stands out or has been mentioned by multiple customers, there might be potential for improvement.
In our own operation, Långholmen Kayak, we use NPS a lot. For example, if we receive a comment that the customer had a good experience but the kayak was wet in the cockpit, this is something we can quickly address and keep in mind for the future to improve the customers' experience.